Gary Bradt

  • Psychologist
  • Motivator
  • Expert on Adapting & Leading Through Change

Change happens – faster than ever. The challenge is to adapt, ignite and win! Psychologist, author, coach and speaker, Dr. Gary Bradt has devoted his career to arming organizations and people with practical and powerful tools that increase their capacity to adapt quickly and keep moving in a positive direction – professionally and personally.


Gary Bradt headshot
Past Hosts Include:
  • Harland Clarke
  • Resource Management Services, Inc.
  • Project Management Institute
  • Sunovion
  • Alberta Canada Provincial Government
  • GlaxoSmithKline Canada
  • Harland Clarke
  • AstraZeneca Canada
  • Marine Corps Community Services
  • Medical Group Management Association
Rave Reviews About Gary Bradt
Gary was one of the best speakers I've heard or contracted in my 18 years with NCL. He was outstanding and resonated fully with the audience. We would absolutely like to utilize Gary's talent at other upcoming meetings.

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Talks & Conversations with Gary Bradt
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Turning Change Into Opportunity

Going through change is not a market differentiator. Adapting to change faster and better than your competitors can be. Gary Bradt’s inspiring new keynote, Turning Change into Opportunity, equips audiences with the tools they need to do just that.   Based on his new book, Change: The Tools You Need ...

Going through change is not a market differentiator. Adapting to change faster and better than your competitors can be. Gary Bradt’s inspiring new keynote, Turning Change into Opportunity, equips audiences with the tools they need to do just that.


Based on his new book, Change: The Tools You Need for The Life You Want at Work and Home, this keynote empowers audiences to:


  • Experience the power of The To Who List, a daily practice supported by an app Bradt developed that helps you build relationships that will sustain you through challenging change and difficult times
  • Learn to let go of old beliefs, feelings or behaviors that are only holding you down or holding you back
  • Experience the moving power of the Two Minute Drill, an exercise that allows you to quickly engage your most deeply held values. Like a compass, these values will point you in the right direction whenever change creates difficult choices
  • Understand the four factors driving change for practically every organization and industry across the globe
  • And more….


This upbeat and interactive keynote stimulates the mind and stirs the emotions. It inspires audiences to discover strengths they may not have recognized they had. Bradt’s stories and personal anecdotes bring his points home in a way that audiences can not only understand, but relate to.


Discover what previous clients like IBM, eBay, American Express, Aetna and scores of others have before: That it’s not the change in life, but how you choose to respond, that makes all the difference. Let Gary help your audience find the opportunities that await them.

Dig a Little Deeper: Embracing Change in Health Care

Opportunity is out there - you just have to dig a little deeper to find it. Gary Bradt will show you how. Change is turning the healthcare industry upside down. From the Affordable Care Act to technology and reimbursement trends, seismic shifts are everywhere. ​​It creates a choice: Complain about t ...

Opportunity is out there - you just have to dig a little deeper to find it. Gary Bradt will show you how. 

Change is turning the healthcare industry upside down. From the Affordable Care Act to technology and reimbursement trends, seismic shifts are everywhere. ​​It creates a choice: Complain about the change or do something about it. 

​​Gary Bradt will inspire and empower your audience to embrace the change and lead with confidence into tomorrow. Through practical examples and relevant, powerful stories, he will give your audience the tools they need to transform change into opportunity. They will learn to: 
• Let go of whatever is holding them down or holding them back
• Latch on to values to make the right call on tough decisions
• Employ the ToWho List, a powerful new tool for building relationships to sustain your group through change 

Adapt first. Adapt fast. It’s the only way forward. 

Adapt. Ignite. Win! Because Change Happens

A keynote for Organizations Going Through Mergers, Acquisitions and Reorganizations.​ ​​Change leadership expert, clinical psychologist, and author of The Ring in the Rubble: Dig Through Change and Find Your Next Golden Opportunity and the upcoming book, Change: The Tools You Need For The Life You W ...

A keynote for Organizations Going Through Mergers, Acquisitions and Reorganizations.​

​​Change leadership expert, clinical psychologist, and author of The Ring in the Rubble: Dig Through Change and Find Your Next Golden Opportunity and the upcoming book, Change: The Tools You Need For The Life You Want at Work and Home (released on Dec. 6th), Gary Bradt has been helping people and organizations adapt to all types of change for over twenty-five years. In fact, he's worked with so many companies specifically undergoing mergers, acquisitions and reorganizations he knows that these major transition raise questions for leaders at all levels, such as...

• How can you maintain momentum and morale? 
• How can you help people stay focused on doing their jobs versus being
   distracted worrying about their future? 
• How can you tamp down fear? 
• How can you ramp up confidence?
• How can you tame the rumor mill?
• How can you help people grasp the opportunities change always presents?

In this engaging, interactive and dynamic keynote Gary equips his audience with "The Transition Leader's Toolkit" -- the tools they need to keep their organizations moving forward even while changing on the fly. 

Leading your group through transitions isn’t easy. But then again if it were, we wouldn’t need leaders to guide us. This is your time to step up and lead. Seize it. By learning, sharing and applying these tools, together you will turn change and transition into opportunity. 

When Jack Reports to Jill: Stereotypes, Gender and Leadership

Leading the opposite sex can be a challenge. Men and women tend to think ​​​​differently, communicate differently, and have different interests and priorities. While these differences might add spice to life in general, they can cause confusion for the leader working with those who size up the world ...

Leading the opposite sex can be a challenge. Men and women tend to think 
​​​​differently, communicate differently, and have different interests and priorities. While these differences might add spice to life in general, they can cause confusion for the leader working with those who size up the world so differently from them. This entertaining, provocative and down-to-earth keynote gives leaders the practical tools and knowledge they need to more effectively lead and influence the opposite sex at work. 

Dr. Bradt uses his 26+ years as a psychologist and executive coach to good advantage as he tackles the issues he’s seen head on. He covers the five “C’s” of leadership: Confidence, Competence, Compassion, Competition and Community, and how men and women differ on each. He sensitively tackles the omnipresent but seldom talked about issue of potential sexual attraction, and how this powerful force can be a pro or con depending on how it’s handled. He shares in plain and simple language why men and women do what they do, and brings his points to life with fun and illuminating stories and examples. Finally, he challenges both genders to stretch their comfort zones in learning to better lead each other.

Men and women bring unique talents, skills and motivations to the work place. Effectively harnessing and combining their collective attributes is a key to organizational success. Participants will leave this interactive keynote entertained, informed, and better equipped to take advantage of the rich variety and impact that men and women offer the organizations they serve.​​​

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Books by Gary Bradt

Dr. Gary Bradt is speaker and writer who help individuals and organizations adapt to change faster and better.

Dr. Bradt gained national attention in 2000 when Dr. Spencer Johnson, the renowned author of Who Moved My Cheese? An AmazinWay to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life, chose him as the leading speaker on the message of that blockbuster bestselling book which has sold over 28 million copies worldwide. “Cheese” gave thousands of people the chance to get acquainted with Gary’s extraordinary ability to cut through their frustration and fear and get to the heart of the matter; delivering powerful tools that help them adapt to change faster and better.

Gary Bradt is uniquely qualified to deliver advice, counsel and strategies on leading change. He has spoken for clients all over the globe including IBM, American Express, eBay, FedEx, Proctor & Gamble, Prudential, Honeywell, Johnson & Johnson, Fidelity Investments, VISA, NASA, GlaxoSmithKline, Capital One, and hundreds more.

As a speaker, what makes Gary Bradt special is his ability to engage audiences: his warmth, his humor, his content, his ability to get people to absorb his message and put it to use. More than anything, Gary is genuine. His storytelling, examples and exercises are authentic and bring his principles to life in a way few other communicators can.

Because change happens in our personal lives too, Gary Bradt delivers a powerful message on that front. He is a husband and father who learned to cope with one of the toughest challenges of all, a child’s chronic, life-threatening illness, and shares his personal narrative with audiences when appropriate.

And now, he has expanded his influence by taking advantage of the digital revolution. You and your group can access his message on change 24/7/365 via his new online training offering at

Dr. Bradt earned his BA in psychology from Duquesne, University in Pittsburgh PA. He earned his doctorate in clinical psychology from Hahnemann University and Hospital in Philadelphia, PA, which in 2007 honored him with the “Excellence in Professional Psychology” award. Only the second graduate to be so recognized at the time, this award underscored Dr. Bradt’s contributions to the field of professional psychology through his achievements as world-class speaker, author, and leadership expert.

Gary’s latest book is Change: The Tools You Need For The Life You Want At Work And Home. He serves as president of Bradt Leadership, Inc. a leadership consulting firm he co-founded with his wife, Dr. Peggy Bradt, in 1993. He resides in North Carolina with Peggy. They have two grown children.

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