Joe McCannon

  • Expert in Large-Scale Social Change

Joe McCannon was Senior Advisor to the Administrator at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) where he rolled out major pieces of the Affordable Care Act and was part of the founding leadership team at the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI). McCannon has supported large-scale transformation in several nations, including Canada, Denmark, England, Japan and South Africa, and consulted on the topic for a number of organizations, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organization. Let Joe's exclusive and formidable insights and experience inform and entertain your audience.


Joe McCannon headshot
Past Hosts Include:
  • Institute of Medicine
  • Brookings Institute
12/04/2014 - Keynote Address 2: Joe McCannon - Get Sharable Link
Talks & Conversations with Joe McCannon
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Unleashing Large-Scale Social Change

Setting Aims, Building Will and Spreading Innovation - Everyone wants to know what it takes to bring effective innovations to everyone who could benefit from them. Joe describes in detail the key questions that any group needs to consider in planning for scale and, through personal experience and vi ...

Setting Aims, Building Will and Spreading Innovation - Everyone wants to know what it takes to bring effective innovations to everyone who could benefit from them. Joe describes in detail the key questions that any group needs to consider in planning for scale and, through personal experience and vivid stories, highlights the key characteristics of the efforts that generate deep commitment and unleash boundless energy (versus merely drawing awareness or getting people to sign up). He leaves listeners with a clear sense of how to begin (or course correct).  

Inside the Command Center

Day-to-day Operations for Big, Fast Change - This is a talk about the day-to-day operations of organizations and movements that effectively go big. It gives a behind-the-scenes look into what really makes these efforts tick, describing the command center culture that allows them to learn fast, gener ...

Day-to-day Operations for Big, Fast Change - This is a talk about the day-to-day operations of organizations and movements that effectively "go big." It gives a behind-the-scenes look into what really makes these efforts tick, describing the "command center" culture that allows them to learn fast, generate innovation and unleash millions in pursuit of a shared aim. 

Large-Scale Improvement in Health Care and Public Health

Lessons from the Best - Drawing upon his domestic and international experience in health care, Joe discusses what sets apart the systems and organizations that have the most success at rapidly - and broadly - introducing more effective practice. He emphasizes the leadership behaviors and operating v ...

Lessons from the Best - Drawing upon his domestic and international experience in health care, Joe discusses what sets apart the systems and organizations that have the most success at rapidly - and broadly - introducing more effective practice. He emphasizes the leadership behaviors and operating values that allow these organizations to continually adjust and thrive, particularly in the current, dynamic environment created by Obamacare. 

Big Change Fast

These are day-long workshops for movement and organization leaders on how to orchestrate large-scale change, helping them apply principles from successful movements to transform their efforts (in tandem with Becky Kanis Margiotta). ...

These are day-long workshops for movement and organization leaders on how to orchestrate large-scale change, helping them apply principles from successful movements to transform their efforts (in tandem with Becky Kanis Margiotta).


Joe McCannon is the Co-Founder and CEO of the Billions Institute. He was previously an appointee in the Obama Administration, serving as Senior Advisor to the Administrator at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). There he rolled out major pieces of the Affordable Care Act and was part of the founding leadership team at the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI), directing its Learning and Diffusion Group. Before this, he was Vice President and faculty on large-scale improvement at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, leading the organization’s major domestic initiative to improve patient safety, the 100,000 Lives Campaign, and starting its work in Africa. He has supported large-scale transformation in several nations, including Canada, Denmark, England, Japan and South Africa, and consulted on the topic for a number of organizations, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organization. He has also served on committees of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology and the National Academy of Medicine. Joe started his career in the publishing industry with roles at Fast Company, The Atlantic Monthly, and Outside magazine. He is a graduate of Harvard University and was a Reuters Fellow at Stanford University.

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