Peter Orszag & Steve Forbes

Powerful voices in political and financial spaces, Peter R. Orszag and Steve Forbes give perspective on the turbulence facing markets today, considering all angles of business and economics.

Peter R. Orszag is an American banker and economist, and Head of North American M&A and Vice Chairman of Investment Banking at Lazard. Orszag was the director of the Congressional Budget Office from 2007 to 2008. He served in two jobs in the Bill Clinton administration, as a senior economist at the Council of Economic Advisers and as top adviser to the director of the National Economic Council. Dr. Orszag’s input was central to decisions on bolstering the economy, reforming healthcare, and all the various other economic issues that have faced the Obama Administration.

Media titan Steve Forbes leads the most successful business news magazine in America. With the economy at the forefront of conversation on a global level, Mr. Forbes offers long-standing insights that capitalism, free markets, and a flat tax are essential to a healthy economy. Throughout his tenure, his keen ability to provide economic insights on the big issues of the day has been trusted by business leaders around the world and regular Americans looking for the answers to their big questions.

From an insider’s point of view, Peter R. Orsag and Steve Forbs discuss the stakeholders, debates, and major events affecting recent world economic trends and provide insight into the fiscal implications of upcoming legislative policies.

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Peter R. Orszag headshot

Peter R. Orszag

  • Member of President Obama's Cabinet as Director of Office of Management and Budget (2009-2010)
  • Vice Chairmen of Investment banking and Managing Director, Lazard
  • Nonresident Senior Fellow at The Brookings Institution
  • Bloomberg View Columnist

Peter Richard Orszag is an American banker and economist, and Head of North American M&A and Vice Chairman of Investment Banking at Lazard. He previously served as a Vice Chairman of Corporate & Investment Banking and Chairman of the Financial Strategy & Solutions Group at Citigroup, Inc. He is also a Nonresident Senior Fellow in Economic Studies at the Brookings Institution and a Contributing Columnist at Bloomberg View.  He was previously President Barack Obama's director of the Office of Management and Budget. Orszag was the director of the Congressional Budget Office from 2007 to 2008. He served in two jobs in the Bill Clinton administration, as a senior economist at the Council of Economic Advisers from 1995 to 1996 and, in 1997, as top adviser to the director of the National Economic Council.


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Steve Forbes headshot

Steve Forbes

  • Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, Forbes Media
  • Expert on Economics, Politics, Monetary Policy, and Foreign Affairs
  • Frequent Contributor on FOX; Host, 'What's Ahead' Podcast
  • Bestselling Author of ‘INFLATION: What It Is, Why It’s Bad, and How to Fix It’

A powerful and engaging speaker, Steve Forbes is known for his singular insights on current affairs and his keenly accurate forecasts of “what’s ahead” on the political and economic landscape. He offers unique perspectives on politics as a result of his campaigns for president in 1996 and 2000. Mr. Forbes also explains why free enterprise and pro-market policies are essential for America and the world to thrive. As editor-in-chief of Forbes Media, one of the best-known names in business journalism, Mr. Forbes brings stature and authoritativeness to any discussion of political and economic issues. As host of “Steve Forbes on Achievement,” a video series for students and teachers, he can also discuss subjects relating to education and entrepreneurship. 

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Peter R. Orszag's Biography

Peter Richard Orszag is an American banker and economist, and Head of North American M&A and Vice Chairman of Investment Banking at Lazard. He is also a Nonresident Senior Fellow in Economic Studies at the Brookings Institution and a Contributing Columnist at Bloomberg View. 

Orszag previously served as Vice Chairman of Corporate and Investment Banking and Chairman of the Financial Strategy and Solutions Group at Citigroup, Inc.

Prior to joining Citigroup in January 2011, Dr. Orszag served as a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and a Contributing Columnist at the New York Times.   He previously served as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget in the Obama Administration, a Cabinet-level position, from January 2009 until July 2010.  From January 2007 to December 2008, Dr. Orszag was the Director of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).  Under his leadership, the agency significantly expanded its focus on areas such as health care and climate change.   

Prior to CBO, Dr. Orszag was the Joseph A. Pechman Senior Fellow and Deputy Director of Economic Studies at the Brookings Institution.  While at Brookings, he also served as Director of The Hamilton Project, Director of the Retirement Security Project, and Co-Director of the Tax Policy Center.   During the Clinton Administration, he was a Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and before that a staff economist and then Senior Advisor and Senior Economist at the President's Council of Economic Advisers.   Orszag has also founded and subsequently sold an economics consulting firm.

Dr. Orszag graduated summa cum laude in economics from Princeton University and obtained a Ph.D. in economics from the London School of Economics, which he attended as a Marshall Scholar.  He has coauthored or coedited a number of books, including Protecting the Homeland (2006),Aging Gracefully: Ideas to Improve Retirement Security in America (2006), Saving Social Security: A Balanced Approach (2004), and American Economic Policy in the 1990s (2002).  

Dr. Orszag serves on the Board of Directors of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, Mt. Sinai Medical Center, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Russell Sage Foundation, New Visions for Public Schools, and ideas42.  He is also a member of the National Academy of Medicine, the Trilateral Commission, the Hamilton Project Advisory Council, and the Marshall Scholarship Alumni Advisory Board, and holds an honorary doctorate from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.   

Peter Orszag is married to Bianna Golodryga, who is the News and Finance anchor at Yahoo!, where she leads the media company’s coverage of all major financial and news stories along with global anchor Katie Couric.

Steve Forbes's Biography

Steve is Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Media.

His new book, which he co-authored with Nathan Lewis and Elizabeth Ames, is entitled Inflation: What It Is, Why It’s Bad, and How To Fix It.

Steve broadcasts a popular webcast called What’s Ahead, where he gives insightful analyses of events as well as engaging the world’s leading newsmakers, politicians and pioneers in business and economics in captivating conversations.

He helped create the highly acclaimed and award-winning documentary In Money We Trust? which was produced under the auspices of Maryland Public Television. The film was inspired by the book he co-wrote, Money. He was executive producer of the new, highly acclaimed documentary Coolidge: Rediscovering an American President. He also recently launched a series on the educational website that presents inspirational stories and lessons from history’s greatest innovators—many largely forgotten—whose achievements have shaped modern life.

Steve writes editorials for each issue of Forbes under the heading of Fact and Comment.”

A widely respected economic prognosticator, he is the only writer to have won the highly prestigious "Crystal Owl Award" four times for the accuracy of his economic forecasts.

In 1996 and 2000, Steve campaigned vigorously for the Republican nomination for the presidency. Key to his platform were a flat tax, medical savings accounts, a stable dollar, a new Social System for working Americans, parental choice of schools for their children, term limits and a strong national defense. He continues to energetically promote this agenda.

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