Felipe Calderon

  • President of Mexico (2006-2012)
  • Chair, The Global Commission on the Economy & Climate
  • Statesman of the Year, World Economic Forum
  • President, Environment & Sustainability Commission for the International Automobile Federation

Former President of Mexico Felipe Calderón is a globally recognized leader in climate action and sustainability transformation. Establishing economic reform as a top priority of his administration, President Calderón’s policies catapulted Mexico into a powerful player in the global economy. Since leaving his post as President, Calderón has focused his leadership and attention on the economic benefits of acting on climate change. In 2022, he was named President of the Environment and Sustainability Commission for the International Automobile Federation. President Calderón was named "Statesman of the Year" by the World Economic Forum, a “Top 100 Influential People in the World” by TIME Magazine, and "Champion of the Earth" by the United Nations. President Calderón has been honored with the Teddy Roosevelt Award for the Environment, the GLOBE Award from the Global Legislators Organization for a Balanced Environment, and the International Star of Energy Efficiency award. President Calderón is a foremost voice in environmentalism and an outspoken proponent of sustainable investment.

Calderón provides actionable steps for both the private and public sector to advance sustainability practices, build consensus, and support business growth. He has hosted and chaired the G-20 Summit of Leaders as well as chaired the UN Conference on Climate Change COP 16, marking a new era of cooperation in this field. President Calderón has provided his insights to hosts such as the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, SkyBridge Capital’s SALT Conference, Colgate University, Accenture, and more.


Felipe Calderon headshot
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Past Hosts Include:
  • SkyBridge Capital - SALT Conference
  • American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt
  • The Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education
  • Centro de Liderazgo y Gestión
  • STARS Scholarship Fund
  • Colgate University
  • Capital G
  • Accenture
Rave Reviews About Felipe Calderon
President Calderon did a fantastic job presenting at our Seminar. He was exceptionally open and honest - participants loved him.

More rave reviews

"President Calderon was truly magnificent. His speech was outstanding, excessively inspiring and very relevant to Egypt. The feedback I keep receiving is extremely positive."

-American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt

"The event was great, everything came up as planned. Mr. Calderon's appearance was great and really enjoyed by the audience. "

-The Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education

"Calderon was spectacular, what a great speaker. We are grateful with you and your team for all the support. "

-Centro de Liderazgo y Gestión

"President Calderon joined us for the entire event and sat though dinner and our auction before his presentation. It was very nice having him, our crowd was very excited and lined up to meet him. President Calderon went above and beyond…His presentation went well ... He told a few jokes and seemed very passionate about his topic. "

-STARS Scholarship Fund

"The visit was great ... He was open and to the point. We really felt he was most generous with his time. The campus really enjoyed every minute. "

-Colgate University

"Delegates enjoyed his remarks and his presence made the conference a tremendous success. "

-Capital G
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Keynote - Climate responsibility will save the economy | SwissECS [9:54] - Get Sharable Link
Talks & Conversations with Felipe Calderon
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Global Perspectives with President Felipe Calderón

Former President of Mexico FELIPE CALDERÓN reflects on his time in office and subsequent impact driving global environmental protection. As either a keynote or moderated Q&A, President Calderón provides insight into today’s politics, economics, and movements from a global political insider’s per ...

Former President of Mexico FELIPE CALDERÓN reflects on his time in office and subsequent impact driving global environmental protection. As either a keynote or moderated Q&A, President Calderón provides insight into today’s politics, economics, and movements from a global political insider’s perspective.

Creating Economic Opportunities by Improving the Climate

Former President of Mexico and President of the World Commission on the Economy and Climate FELIPE CALDERÓN is one of the most recognized leaders in sustainability today. Aiming for a paradigm shift, he presents ESG investment strategies tuned to our day, reflecting on how to reach actual sustainabl ...

Former President of Mexico and President of the World Commission on the Economy and Climate FELIPE CALDERÓN is one of the most recognized leaders in sustainability today. Aiming for a paradigm shift, he presents ESG investment strategies tuned to our day, reflecting on how to reach actual sustainable development with highest standards of efficiency, reliability, and availability. President Calderón provides a new vision for addressing climate change while generating economic growth and alleviating poverty, showcasing innovative solutions and inspiring change.

Crisis and Competitiveness: The Case of Mexico

Due to the strong linkage of its exports to the U.S. consumer, Mexico was the country that suffered the most the impact of the 2009 financial crisis. President FELIPE CALDERÓN explains how he led a rapid recovery of Mexico and simultaneously improved the country’s competitiveness through market-orie ...

Due to the strong linkage of its exports to the U.S. consumer, Mexico was the country that suffered the most the impact of the 2009 financial crisis. President FELIPE CALDERÓN explains how he led a rapid recovery of Mexico and simultaneously improved the country’s competitiveness through market-oriented policies, deregulation, technological education, and infrastructure investment. He also put in place a firm strategy to fight organized crime and establish the rule of law. The expression "The Moment of Mexico" was coined at the end of his administration, when Mexico became one of the most competitive manufacturing economies and one of the largest exporters in the world. Join President Calderón for a discussion of his strategy, leadership, and success in Mexico.

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Speaker News

President Felipe Calderón receives rave reviews for his live events

Responsible for implementing policies that catapulted Mexico into a powerful player in the global economy, Former Mexican President FELIPE CALDERÓN brings tactical insights as well as big picture analysis to each of his speaking engagements. Here are a few of his rave reviews:

  • American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt: "President Calderon was truly magnificent. His speech was outstanding, excessively inspiring, and very relevant to Egypt. The feedback I keep receiving is extremely positive."
  • Centro de Liderazgo y Gestión: "Calderon was spectacular, what a great speaker."
  • Accenture: “President Calderon did a fantastic job presenting at our Seminar. He was exceptionally open and honest - participants loved him.”

Watch President Felipe Calderón’s keynote at Lima COP20 >>

Watch President Felipe Calderón’s Stanford commencement speech >>

President Felipe Calderón delivers powerful insights to the energy industry

Former President of Mexico FELIPE CALDERÓN engaged crowds as a speaker at the World Green Economy Summit (WGES) held by Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA). As a leader, Calderón discussed forward-looking solutions to support an integrated green global economy. Prior to his time as President, Calderón served as Mexico’s Secretary of Energy, and part of his Presidential legacy was drastically improving and modernizing Mexico’s energy sector. President Calderón is an in-demand voice on the energy industry worldwide. Capital G said, “Delegates enjoyed his remarks, and his presence made the conference a tremendous success.”

Watch President Felipe Calderón’s keynote at Swiss ECS >>

Watch President Felipe Calderón speak at UNEP >>

Felipe Calderon is a go-to voice on sustainability and climate change

Climate change is one of the greatest threats to future development around the world, and Former Mexican President FELIPE CALDERON (2006-2012) provides a new vision for addressing climate change while generating economic growth and alleviating poverty. As Chair of the highly prestigious Global Commission on the Economy and Climate--whose member list includes luminaries from the private sector such as the Chairmen and CEOs of Unilever, Bloomberg, and Bank of America-- President Calderon is at the forefront of a major international initiative that examines how to achieve sustainable economic prosperity. President Calderon has hosted and chaired the G-20 Summit of Leaders, the most important forum of heads of state and government, as well as chaired the UN Conference on Climate Change COP 16, which marked a new era of cooperation in this field. He has been named "Statesman of the Year" by the World Economic Forum and "Champion of the Earth" by the United Nations, and has received the Teddy Roosevelt International Conservation Award, the GLOBE Award, and was named a Star of Energy Efficiency, among many other important distinctions. Additionally, President Calderon is a member of the Advisory Council of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and of the Board of the World Resources Institute, as well as President of the Environment and Sustainability Commission for the International Automobile Federation. Informative and inspiring, Calderon has addressed audiences from the World Government Summit  to the SALT Conference, illuminating a path forward where economic prosperity and environmentalism go hand-in-hand. As recent event-planners have raved of Calderon's captivating and substantive keynotes: "President Calderon did a fantastic job presenting at our Seminar. He was exceptionally open and honest - participants loved him" (Accenture);"Delegates enjoyed his remarks and his presence made the conference a tremendous success." (Capital G); "President Calderon was truly magnificent. His speech was outstanding." (American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt)

President Felipe Calderon is a go-to voice on sustainability, climate change, and ESG investment strategies

Former Mexican President FELIPE CALDERÓN provides a new vision for addressing climate change while generating economic growth and alleviating poverty. As chair of the highly prestigious Global Commission on the Economy and Climate, President Calderón is at the forefront of a major international initiative that examines how to achieve sustainable economic prosperity. President Calderón has hosted and chaired the G-20 Summit of Leaders as well as the UN Conference on Climate Change, the most important forums of heads of state and government aiming to align stakeholders with policymakers to create a facilitative environment and ecosystem for sustainable green growth that address current and future needs.

Additionally, President Calderón is a member of the Advisory Council of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. President Calderón drives dialogue and action amongst industry stakeholders while building partnerships and collaboration with governments worldwide, illuminating a path forward where economic prosperity and environmentalism go hand-in-hand.

Watch President Felipe Calderón’s keynote at the World Government Summit >>

Watch President Felipe Calderón in conversation with Harvard IOP >>

Press & Media
Ideas for the Meeting Planner

Felipe Calderón served as President of Mexico from 2006 to 2012.

Prior to his presidency, Calderón was Secretary of Energy (and in that capacity Chairman of the Board of PEMEX and CFE) and director of BANOBRAS (Public Works Bank). He was also a Congressman, leader of the National Action Party (PAN) in the Congress, and Secretary General and National President of PAN.

President Calderón has a law degree from the Escuela Libre de Derecho, a Masters in Economics from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) and a Masters in Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, where he later participated as an Angelopoulos Leadership Fellow.

Under his administration the Mexican economy registered stability and economic growth. Despite the impact of the 2009 international economic crisis, he boosted competitiveness in Mexico by deregulating the economy, promoting free trade, competition, private investment and technical education, as well as increasing investment in infrastructure to unprecedented levels. He also led an unmatched effort to enforce the rule of law.

During his tenure, Mexico became one of the most important exporters in the world, exporting 60% of the total manufactured products in Latin American and Caribbean Region. When he took office, Mexico was the 9th largest exporter of vehicles in the world, and by the end of his administration it was the 4th largest, surpassing Spain, the UK and the US among others.

President Calderón chaired the G20 Leaders Summit, the most important global forum for heads of state and government. He also chaired the UN COP 16 Climate Change Conference, which marked a new era of cooperation and a long-term approach for addressing climate change. This Conference delivered significant results such as the creation of the Green Fund, an international mechanism for financing climate change actions.

He has been named “Statesman of the Year” by the World Economic Forum, and “Champion of the Earth” by the United Nations, he has also received the Teddy Roosevelt International Conservation award, Global Legislators Organization for a Balanced Environment (GLOBE) award, International Star of Energy Efficiency award, among many others recognitions as a global leader on environmental issues.                                                                                                                  

Currently, he is member of the Board of Directors of the World Resources Institute, Honorary Chairman of the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate and commissioner of the Education Commission, President of the Environment and Sustainability Commission of the International Federation of Automobile (FIA), among other responsibilities.

He is founder President of the Human Sustainable Development Foundation from where he is still working in analyzing and proposing public policy alternatives for Mexico and promoting low carbon development for the world.

Recently, President Calderón published Los Retos que Enfrentamos, a book which points out the main policies carried out during his administration. Its appearance has sparked an intense debate on the public policies that Mexico has followed on its path to development, as one of the leading emerging economies.

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